Monday, April 23, 2012

Welcome to Reviews by Renea - my newest blog!

Welcome to my newest blog. I go by the name of Renea and thought I would create a new blog. I actually write on one blog mainly. It's about my hobby almost totally, which is entering Sweepstakes. I have enjoyed the hobby for about 10 years. The sweepstaking bug has slowly started to fade, and even though I don't think I will ever quit entering sweepstakes, I think I need either a new creative outlet.

I've given it a lot of thought as to what kind of blog I wanted. There are so many blogs out there it makes my head spin. It does seem the majority are Mommyblog. I am a Mom, however I have a teenager and not a baby or toddler. Plus I don't think my child would appreciate me writing about her life on a public forum. Plus I am slightly paranoid and over protective (Thank you Mom :) so I when I do speak my daughter, I plan on using her nickname: Misa.

I enjoy doing many thing. Or at least as many thing as I physically possibly can. I say it that way because I was born with a disability (or differently able, as I like to think) in the fact that I was born with a rare form of dwarfism called Diastrophic Dwarfism. If you ever watched the TLC show "Little People, Big World" then you might know or remember that the Dad, Matt Roloff also shares the same type of diagnosis. Although he's is slightly taller, as he's 4'2" and I stand at 3'6" the last time I checked anyways. I'm in my mid forties and just turned 46 four days ago and I do feel that as the years progress, I am slowly shrinking. Oh well, such is life, right? ;)

So this new blog is my new space on the internet to write about whatever the heck I feel like writing. I love to read, enter sweepstakes, attend conventions, go out to eat, go to concerts and other outside activities and festivals. watch movies and television (or at least on Netflix and Hulu) as much as I can get the chance to do so, not to mention  and also shopping online, usually at under the influence of Ambien. (J/K sort of..I do happen to purchase some weird crap at night it seems) Yes I guess you could either call me a cough potato or a tater tot. At the moment, my biggest addiction is finding free books for my Kindle Fire, that my wonderful husband bought for me recently.  It all started with the Hunger Games. Now I own a collection of 200 books. I am not sure when I will ever get to reading all of those books, but when I was a teenager, I used to go to the library and check out 25 books every two weeks and read them and then return them in time and checkout another 25 books all summer long. So to say I love to read is an understatement!  I am also glad that my love of reading has also passed down from myself to my daughter, as she loves to read as well.

So the basic's of my life are this:  I'm a physically challenged Mom in my mid forties I am happily married to a wonderful man who is also physically challenged by the result of Thalidomide poisoning, which I am sure to write about more in the future. Not just because of him being a Thalidomide survivor, but also because before we met, he made some wonderful memories from traveling all over the world. Places like Thailand, Denmark, Canada, Mexico, Barbados, St. Lucia, Scotland, Wales, Amsterdam, etc. 

We have one child who is the love of our lives and the joy in our hearts. She gives me such happiness everyday and I think we have a very good if not great relationship at this moment. I pray that it continues. I only write it that way, as I do realize that as she grows older and becomes more and more independent and more into her teenage years, our relationship might change. She is so funny, beautiful, kind, loving and so much more. I thank God as often as I can for the blessing that he gave to both myself and my husband. I am a Christian as you can already tell from the statement above that I believe in God. I have one sister, who is also the same type of dwarf as I am. She is older than I am by about 21 months. Her name is Theresa. I was born to two wonderful parents, who are/were both able bodied. like our daughter Misa who stands at a whopping 5'0".  What can ya do right?  Some people get all the height!

My Mom sadly passed away two weeks before Christmas in 2010. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss her or think about her. Because of the loss of my Mom, I am suffering from depression and sometimes I do have really bad days. I try not to give in too much into the depression and I am on some good medication at the moment thank God. My Dad is still living and lives not too far from me. He has his struggles in life and also misses Mom terribly. My sister does as well. We were all very close growing up and are still close now. I love my family with my whole heart.

Well that's about all I feel up to writing tonight. I'm still experimenting with Google blogger. Every-time I get on here, somethings changed and or added. But then again, I'm not on here as much as I should be, considering I have a blog, right? Well that's it for now. Until next time, which hopefully will be on a regular basis. TTFN (Ta Ta For Now - That's mainly for my dad who is my most faithful blog follower. Hi Daddy!)
